Worldwide Ragchew Amateur Radio Net

World Wide Ragchew Amateur Radio Net

Sundays 16:00 UK

The Extended Freedom Network is thrilled to announce that we will be carrying the World Wide Ragchew Amateur Radio Net by Scott W1SBWStu M0OMT and Steve KJ4ZOY

We look forward to supporting this net and enjoying those QSO's and Ragchews across the globe!

Direct Connection's to the Worldwide Ragchew Amateur Radio Net

  • Allstar/ Echolink node 51092 GB3ZN-R
  • Allstar / Echolink node 525960 ( asl image )
  • Allstar node 525961 ( asl image )
  • Allstar node 525963 ( asl image )
  • Echolink confrence server WWARG
  • Echolink node 561802= W1SBW-L
  • Zello channel
  • Teamspeak /irn sever users please Goto Amateur Radio Ragchew Net and chat with us from there.

WWARN Schedule